
Lockhart, Texas is located in Caldwell County, south of Austin and north of San Antonio. Lockhart is officially part of the Austin-Round Rock Metropolitan Statistical Area, or Austin Metro. Because of our location, we are a growing and thriving area.

City of Lockhart Population, 2021
Caldwell County Population, 2021
Demographics Diversity in Lockhart Tx
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Garner Economics

Other Key Stats

  • 2-year college degree or higher: 21.3%

  • Prime age labor force participation (civilian population 25-54): 55.2%

  • Median Household Income: $64,633

  • Over the past ten years, employment in Caldwell County has grown by 24.8%

  • Approximately half of Lockhart working adults earn an income of between $50,000 and $150,000 annually.