Chapter 312 Tax Abatement Policy

The City of Lockhart is committed to the promotion of high-quality development in all parts of the city and to an ongoing improvement in the quality of life for its citizens. Insofar as these objectives are generally served by the enhancement and expansion of the local economy, the Lockhart City Council will, on a case-by-case basis, give consideration to providing tax abatement as stimulation for economic development in areas of the city which it has designated as a reinvestment zone.


The Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) administrator will administer this program.  In the case of an applicant seeking a tax abatement from multiple taxing entities, LEDC and/or City staff will coordinate accordingly with representatives from each respective entity. Economic Qualification Factors include:

(A) Employment Impact

(B) Fiscal Impact

(C) Community Impact

For more information, refer to the Chapter 312 Tax Abatement Policy
